Apprenticeship Inquiry

The Saint Lawrence Seaway Pilots Association (SLSPA) is seeking applications for Apprentice Pilots. SLSPA provides pilotage in the Great Lakes in District 1, areas 1 and 2. Area 1 encompasses the Saint Lawrence River from Snell Lock, Massena, NY to Cape Vincent, NY. Area 2 encompasses Lake Ontario and all associated ports.

The Great Lakes are bordered by eight states and the Province of Ontario. As a result of bi-national pilotage agreements, SLSPA is regulated by the United States Coast Guard Great Lakes Pilotage Division (CG-WWM-2), and headed by the Director, Great Lakes Pilotage. More information can be obtained at the link here: Great Lakes Pilotage Division (CG-WWM-2)

An applicant must—

  1. Have a license as master, mate, or pilot issued under section 7101 of 46 CFR
  2. Have acquired at least 24 months licensed service or equivalent experience on vessels or integrated towing vessels and tows of at least 4,000 gross tons as measured under section 14502 of this title, or an alternate tonnage measured under section 14302 of this title as prescribed by the Secretary under section 14104 of this title, operating on the Great Lakes or oceans, with a minimum of 6 months of that service or experience having been on the Great Lakes; and
  3. Agree that, if appointed as a United States registered pilot, the applicant will be available for service when required.
***Applicants may acquire the Great Lakes service experience described in paragraph 2 above during their training period.***

Interested candidates must submit the following for consideration:
  1. Copy of Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)
  2. Copy of Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC)
  3. Sea Service Record
  4. CG-4509 Form Application For Registration as United States Registered Pilot
  5. Three (3) Letters of Reference
  6. Resume
  7. Drug Test Participation Letter
  8. Copy of Radar Observer Certificate
  9. Two (2) Full Face Passport Photos
  10. Merchant Mariner Credential Medical Evaluation Report (CG-719K) completed within one year of application.
This paperwork must be submitted to SLSPA and USCG, Director of Great Lakes Pilotage via FedEx at the following addresses:

Saint Lawrence Seaway Pilots Association
PO Box 274
Cape Vincent, NY 13618

United States Coast Guard
Great Lakes Pilotage (CG-WWM-2)
US Coast Guard Stop 7509
2703 Martin Luther King Avenue SE
Washington DC 20593-7509

Please fill out this form to inquire about our Apprenticeship positions.